Saturday 8 March 2014


hat God gives you first is not His best. It is just a test to see if you will give thanks. So many people believe money is everything. Their words say “money is not everything” but their action portrays “money is everything”. The richest man on earth is not the man with billions of naira in his account and the poorest man on earth is not the man with no penny in his pocket. As a matter of fact, being poor is a mentality. The word “POOR” is an acronym which stands for Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. Your worth in life is measured by the number of lives you imparted and the number of opportunities you made maximum advantage of. A man who has billions of naira in his account will become poor overnight if he refuses to make use of the opportunities God has placed at his disposal.

People pass over opportunities when they lack focus. The pain of today cannot be compared with the gain of tomorrow. When you lack focus you miss opportunities. Opportunity does not come on a platter of gold. It dresses in overall and looks like work. If you refuse to work, you miss opportunity and you become poor.

However, there are things that God has in plan for us that we so much lose focus and begin to do something else. God says He has plans for us to give us a better future. We marvel at the most beautiful things we see. The money, the mansions, the gold, the beautiful girls and the likes. These are mere things compared to what God says He will give to us IF we wait. Isaiah 64:4, I Cor. 2:9.

The condition for us getting what we desire in life and meeting God’s plans for our lives is WAITING. We must patiently wait to see the manifestations of God. Jeremiah 29:11 [The Message] “…I know what I am doing, I have it all planned…”. God says He has us in His plan so why the haste?

I read of an old man who was travelling with a young champ. The old man, due to his age, was not walking as fast as the young man. “Walk fast or I will leave you” yelled the young man. “I cannot walk faster than this. You know I am old”; the old man responded. In anger, the young man left this old man and was going as fast as his legs could carry him. After miles of the journey, he came to a cross-road. He hasn’t passed that road before so he didn’t know the right route. The road was divided into three. He went through the first one. After miles of journey, he discovered the road was leading nowhere so he turned back. He came to where the road was divided and went through the second. After miles of journey again he was chased by a lion and he returned to the starting point. Thinking of what might be in the third route, he was scared and sat there waiting for the old man. He waited till the old man got to him and shew him the right route. He missed the stories and the wisdom the old man would have told him, he missed companionship and he loses strength. Never be too in a haste to miss the lessons of life.

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