Thursday 6 March 2014


our preparation determines your usefulness. You cannot be more useful than you are prepared. It is not God who determines your usefulness but your preparation. The level of your preparation determines the degree of your usefulness. It is a worthy prayer to thus pray “Lord prepare me to be a leader of influence”.
You cannot influence your world until you have been influenced by the word. God’s word is to release vision. Isaiah 2:1. God’s word is the fountain of vision. When the word comes unto you it release upon you vision. Vision is the product of God’s word. The more you hear the word, the more vision is born. The word of God is the arena for visions. The Holy Spirit is the mother of vision. Joel 2:28. Vision is meant for only spiritual people. When the Spirit moves visions are born especially among young men. It is only young men who enter into the realm of the spirit that sees visions. The older you go the dimmer your eyes become. It is therefore paramount to catch the vision in your young age.
Two vital forces that can create an environment to catch vision are:
·         Be a man of the word. When it is word time make it a business time.
·         Be a man of the spirit – Rev 1:10. Visions don’t come to you when you are outside the spirit
The two can be accessed by building a strong desire. A desire that is expressed in prayer. There are people who don’t look like they are going anywhere. Don’t walk with them. Don’t make a man your mentor because of material affluence but the value he stands for.

Practical signals that you can identify that will help you know the plan of God for your life. Signs to look out for to be sure you are on the right track to God’s purpose for your life. This will be looked at in three categories.
1.      Talent: Everyone has a talent given to him by God. Your vision may be so close to you and you don’t know. One of the reason some don’t discover that they have talent is that they are too carried away with what is happening in the life of others. That you are not somebody does not mean that you are nobody. You may not be somebody but you are not a nobody. Who are you? If you don’t know who you are people will impose on you who you are not. What God designs you for is what you are assigned to. Don’t try to carry the load you are no designed for. All the energy you are spending to be what you are not should be concentrated on what you are. The difference will be clear. There are things that it looks like you can do but you are not assigned to do. People don’t win because of what they can do but by what they are assigned to do. There are many things you can do but God didn’t assign you to do them. What is a talent? A talent is an innate ability. It is a natural endowment, born with you and what makes you you. God didn’t create an empty body. There is something in you that makes you different. If you are not different you are not needed. Talent is also described as something you have passion for. Something you do with ease and with profit. Something you excel in doing. Something you are naturally doing without stress. Something you don’t learn to do. There are people who don’t learn how to sing but sing well. Don’t spend your energy developing what you are not talented for. There are individual who naturally excels in doing any kind of business. The worst person to meet in life is a man who has no vision. Think about Jonah. People who lacks vision injures innocent people. To love is a mandate but to relate is a choice. Identify your talent. Some people can locate vision through their natural endowments.
2.      Gift: A gift is what results when you develop your talent. A gift can therefore be described as developed talent and development gives birth to skills. A gift is talent coupled with skill.
Talent + Relevant and qualitative education= Gift.
A gift is qualitative expertise. A gift is what you are trained to do. It is when you have gone through training that you can become a gifted man. Psalm 144:1. David had a flare for flings but he was taught the expertise. This is where education is necessary. Your talent is given form and shape through learning to turn it into a gift. Your vision may be loaded inside your gift.
3.      Calling (Romans 11:29): A call is the delivery of special assignment. This is not limited even though it centers more in ministry. There are things that God called you to do that is different from others. It is beyond talent, gift and expertise. A calling is not common. It is usually a selection of a few people. It comes to those who in one way or the other are faithful in using their gift. Peter had the talent of catching fish. Jesus called him to make him. A call does not come on lazy unfaithful people. God doesn’t call you base on your talents and gifts but He uses them to fulfill the call.
You locate vision either through Gift, talent or calling.

Each of these areas of vision can only be accessed when you are in the spirit. Being in the spirit helps you to avoid deception of the devil. When you are in the spirit you become accurate in receiving vision.

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