Monday 3 March 2014


eaders are to be raised. Any generation without leaders will be erased. The greatest need of all times is the need for leaders. The only thing God sought for was leader. Ezekiel 22:30. The way forward begins with locating leaders. Great nations emerged when leaders were born. The suffering of humanity continues until a leader emerges among them. There is no hope for any generation that lacks leaders. A leader is one who takes the lead, the one who steps out to command followership. A leader is one who influences people by the strange steps he takes, by the strange way he sees, by the strange thought he thinks, and by the strange decisions he takes. He is not afraid of whether a crowd is with him or not. He stands as a strong individual. He does not wait for the vote of others. He depends not on anybody but on God. He believes God is not just enough but more than enough. Leadership is not what you desire, wish or pray for; it is what you are called into and what you grow into. God doesn’t make leaders by the wishes of men. Ezekiel 22:30. God doesn’t have problem with the crowd but with leaders. God sees people through their leaders. Every time God looks down, He is looking for a leader and not the crowd. The crowd will remain in the grave until a leader is raised. A leader is a maker of the edge. God raises leaders to stand in the gap. A leader is one who stands in the gap. God looks at him to see the people. All the sufferings in the world today are as a result of absence of leaders. When leaders arise all sufferings are ended.

Leadership is a process. Just anyone who cares to follow the process can become a leader. There is no one that is exempted by God from opportunity to become a leader. It is the process that determine the product. It doesn’t matter where you were born or where you were raised. Anyone who cares to follow the process can become a leader. Leaders are raised among leaders. The process of leadership begins with VISION.
Vision plays a most fundamental and pivotal role in leadership. Take away vision from life and it becomes a mere life. Abraham was merely existing until he received a vision. Real life begins when vision is received. Definition of leadership is incomplete without the element of vision. Vision is the factor of leadership. Nothing kills the strength of a leader than taking away his vision.
The Necessity of vision
Vision has no substitute. Leadership thrives on the platform of vision. Show me a man with a vision then I will predict a leader. Vision will turn a dwarf into a giant. It was the vision that God gave to Moses that turned him from fugitive to a man with audacity. One man with vision is stronger than entire nation especially when the vision is God given. Vision is the birth canal of leaders. Every time the subject of vision is taught, leaders are born.

Visionaries don’t look for vote. That thing they carry inside is more than vote. Joseph had no qualification of being the prime minister. He was a slave, a stranger, and no even time for campaign. But he was made a prime minister within twenty four hours without votes. When you have a vision you don’t need a vote. Real leaders trade with vision. You don’t have to be a politician to be an influence. You need vision. For your vision, you may be persecuted but no matter who is standing on the way you will get to where God wants you to be. If you don’t have vision your leadership desire will soon be aborted. It is only vision that can stand the test of time.

·         Vision is important because God is committed only to your vision. Vision commands divine backing. God is not committed to the look on your face or your cry. Because of your vision God will do all that He can do to bring it to pass. When God looks at you He is looking out for your vision not your dresses or your address.
o   Vision is capturing the future in the present. The ability to see through the eye of the future.
·         Vision gives you focus in life. Vision defines your scope and jurisdiction in life. Vision shows to you that you are not everything and cannot be everything but assigned to some specific area of life. Vision helps you to define life. Where there is no definition there will be deviation and life is too short to allow deviations. Some trees are not tall because they started growing branches too early (deviation). True visionaries are always in great height. It is your vision that determines your heart. Matthew 6:22. Life is too short to experiment with. Focus! You overcome distractions when vision is in place. One of the greatest enemies of vision is opportunity.  Not all jobs are take-able, not all offers are acceptable. Men with vision don’t jump over all opportunities.
·         Vision gives you speed of accomplishment. Whenever there is focus there will be speed. With focus in three years Jesus made a history that the world will never recover from. Everywhere vision goes, there is speed. You cannot truly have vision and maintain a slow lane. Visionaries don’t look for what to catch, visionaries command things to follow them
·         Vision commands divine supply. Visionaries don’t beg. They are not opportunists. Joseph was not looking for how to become a prime minister before he interpreted Pharaoh’s dream. Daniel was not looking for reward before he interpreted the writing. When you carry vision people points at you for favour. If God gives you vision to go into politics you don’t need money to win. Vision doesn’t need reminders.
·         Vision guarantees safety. You are safe only within God’s purpose for your life. If you step out of God’s purpose for your life you become vulnerable. If you have vision to go into business no matter the economic situation, you are safe. Joel 2:7-8. It is vision that makes you escape all hurts in life.
·         Vision gives you continuous motivation. You can’t lose motivation when you have vision. Visionaries are self-motivated. Visionaries don’t feel shame. They don’t feel a sense of loss. Visionaries don’t have any feeling of regret. Jesus was in pursuit of vision and never regreted. When you are running a vision and people laugh at you you go back to them and tell them they have problem. Genesis 15:5. Vision keeps faith alive.
Vision is capturing the future in the present. Vision is locating God’s plan and pattern for your life. Life remains plain until you locate plan and you will be battered unless you follow pattern. It is the pattern you follow that makes you escape being battered. Vision is discovering of purpose.

Beware of Opportunities and Expertise. They are the major competitors with vision.

Vision is discovered in the place of prayer. Jeremiah 29:11-12, Jeremiah 33:3

Check part 2

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