Thursday 30 August 2012


The Bible tells us that pride goeth before a fall and a haughty spirit before a fall. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gave this parable to prevent men from being proud especially when they are invited to a party.

He shows us that it is better to take a place of humility and be promoted to a place of honour than to take the place of pride and be neglected to the place of shame and abasement.

A.    i.         What is pride? Discuss
ii.                  Is it virtous to be proud?
iii.                What are the possible consequences of pride?     

B.     Pride is described by the Bible to be the characteristics of the following:
a.       The devil – I Tim 3:6
b.      False teachers – I Tim. 6:3-4
c.       The wicked – Hab. 2:4-5, Rom 1:30
d.      The world – I Jhn 2:16
e.       Comes from the heart, defiles a man – Mk 7:21-23
f.       Against the will of God

C.     Pride can do the following in the life of a man
a.       It leads to contempt and rejection of God’s word and ministers – Jer 43:2
b.      It leads to contention – Prov. 13:10, 28:25
c.       It leads to persecuting spirit – Psalm 10:2
d.      It leads to self deception – Jr 49:16, Obadiah 1:3
e.       It leads to wrath – Prov. 21:24

D.    Pride comes from the following
a.       Inexperience – I Tim. 3:16
b.      Possession of power – Lv. 26:19, Eze 30:6
c.       Possession of wealth – 2 Kings 20:13
d.      Religious privileges – Zph 3:11
e.       Self rightousness – Luke 18:11-12
f.       Unsanctified knowledge – I Cor. 8:1

E.     They who are guilty of pride shall suffer the following consequences
a.       They shall  be obsessed – Due 4:7, Matt 23:12
b.      They shall be brought to contempt – Isa 23:9
c.       They shall be brought low – Ps 18:27, Is 2:12
d.      They shall be marred – Jr. 13:9
e.       They shall be punished – Zph. 2:10-11, Ml. 4:1
f.       They shall be recompensed – Ps 31:23
g.      They shall be resisted – James 4:6
h.      They shall be scattered – Luke 1:51
i.        They shall be subdued – Ex. 18:11, Is 13:11
j.        They shall be cursed – Is 23:1-3

We are expected as children of God to be humble wherever we find ourselves for God resisted the proud but gives grace to the humble.