Wednesday 21 January 2015

Do not prescribe drugs to the disease you know nothing about!

So many atimes we beat about the bush trying to figure out the solution to certain issues of life. Most people get frustrated and throw in the towel along the line. The issue with most of us is that we are so impatient. All we want is to find solutions without really knowing the cause of the problem.

Get to know the cause of a problem before finding solution to it. Finding solution to the problem you did not know the source is like prescribing drugs to the disease you know nothing about.

If you want to find a lasting solution, do not tackle the issue; tackle the source and cause of the problem. For instance, you can't find the solution to Examination malpractice without knowing the cause of it. One of the major cause of Examination malpractice is "Fear of Failure". The person finding such solutions must help the student to overcome fear and encourage him/her to study. Arresting such student will not find the solution. It will only create an uproar. That is why I said "you cannot prescribe drug for the disease you know nothing about. The drug for Examination Malpractice disease is not Sanction but Orientation. Make the student understand what he needs to know.

Conclusively, get to know the cause of a problem before finding solution to it.