Tuesday 11 March 2014


appiness is a state of well-being characterized by a deep and intense joy. Being happy is a choice. There are so many circumstances surrounding us that we cannot control but we can control our responses to them. Our response to these circumstances determine whether for us to be happy or not. From studies, ten percent of our mood is controlled by the circumstances around us while ninety percent is controlled by our responses to them. So you see? You can decide to be happy or sad base on how you respond to the situations around you

For you to be happy all day long, you need to start it from the very moment you open your eyes in bed every morning. The Bible says in Psalm 30:5 that “…joy comes in the morning”. What is your attitude when you wake up in the morning? Do you mourn over the day’s work and feel depressed? There is joy knocking on your door every morning waiting to come embrace you but when you refuse to open up to her the devil brings words of discouragement, telling you how bad the day would go. Have you ever wonder why the thoughts from previous day’s non-achievements, disappointments and guilt fill your heart when you wake up every morning? It is because you did not allow joy in. There is no vacuum in nature. If you refuse joy then sorrow will take over. Before you set out for the day, ask yourself the question “do I want to be happy today or sad?”. Your response to the question will determine how your day will go.

Joel Osteen, in his book Everyday A Friday says “we have what we need to be happy; we just don’t have the right perspective”. That thing you are complaining about is the reason you should be happy. Take for instance, a man who is always complaining of eating rice daily. When God takes away the rice and he has nothing to eat, he will beg to have the rice back and will be happy having it back. Some complain of their jobs, children, spouses, etc. These are the more reason they should be happy. When you are caught up in the traffic is the more reason you should be happy because you have a car. You should be happy when you are caught up in a long queue because you can stand. You should be happy when you are hungry because it shows you are normal and you have appetite.

If you decide to be unhappy, it doesn't change anything. In short, the world is not moved. It has effect on only you. You must learn not to sell your joy to critics. Don’t let the action of other people to determine your happiness. When you allow it, it simply means they are in charge of your life. They control you and decide how you react. Smile! It doesn't cost anything. I read a story of two bricklayers who were in this profession for thirty years. One day, a man walked up to the first bricklayer and asked what he was doing. He simply responded “well, we are just here laying blocks. This is what we've been doing for thirty years and it’s so boring laying one block on another.”  The man went up to the second bricklayer and asked what he was doing. With joy, he replied “we are building a skyscraper that will be here for many generations. This is where youths across the nations will come for seminars and the likes. I’m so happy being a part of this project.” These two men were doing the same job but one was happy doing it while the other was grumbling. If you decide to be happy at what you are doing, things will change for the better. Joseph, even in the prison, was happy and was doing what he knows how to do best. He eventually became the prime minister from the prison. Your perspective of happiness really can change things for the better. Paul and Silas in the prison were happy even in chains. They gave praise to God and their bounds were loosed. They were not complaining. The three Hebrew men were not complaining even in the face of the fairy furnace.

Have you ever heard the birds sing? Do you wonder if they had problems? Are they moved with what is happening in the economy? The birds doesn’t care about what is happening because they know God will provide their needs. If the birds could understand this how much more you? As noted earlier, we cannot control circumstances around us but we can control the way we respond to them.  James 1:2 says we should count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations. When we are faced with trials and temptation we should count it all joy because God will make a way of escape. I Corinthians 10:13. Victor Adeyemi once said “we should not be thermometer in nature, we should be thermostat”. Thermometer is regulated by the environment. If the temperature is hot, it will read high, but when the temperature reduces, it will also reduce. Thermostat, on the other hand, determines how the environment will operate. It controls the environment in which it is found. We should therefore, not allow the situation of the economy to determine our mood.

Happiness is a choice. Being happy is your strength. Choose therefore to be happy.

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