Thursday 6 March 2014


This is a lecture to show us what is expected of Leaders. We shall be concentrating on How to discover your potential for destiny recovery. These are things that you have heard before. You need to put them to work to get the desired result. Leadership is not the position you occupy. Leadership is you taking the lead. In everyman is a potential that is needed to be discovered. Leadership is therefore defined as taking the lead. In every occupation there are leaders. Leadership is who you are; it is not what you do. Leadership has nothing to do with your age. How you take the lead is basically on what you know. What you know determines how you lead. What you know gives you boldness. One of the greatest secret of the western world is that they don’t stop learning even when they have graduated from the university. If everyone will become leaders in their field this nation will not be where it is now. Leadership is not your position. Authority confide in you has nothing to do with leadership but just to occupy position. This lecture will help you know what is on your inside. You have to go in search of what you are made of that will transform this nation.

Matthew 19:26
“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible”.
What are you really made up of? For you to be alive means you were made up of some things inside and one of those things is a possibility mentality. There is something in you that can make you see what others can’t see and achieve what others can’t achieve. Potentials are those things you were made up of. Everybody has potential in them. Have you discovered what you were made up of? If you have not discovered it you will live life to chance. 


Ben Carson, at a very young age was known as the dummy of the class. One day after heeding to the advice of his mother he went for knowledge and started reading two books per week. A question was asked in the class one day that nobody knew but he had read about it. Ben lifted up his hand and answered the question correctly and immediately his mentality from that day changed. He discovered that he was not a dummy but he never took time to study. Ben of those days is the most successful neuro-surgeon in the world. This lecture will help you therefore to change your mentality. When you discover what you are made up of your entire mentality change. Your potentials determine your destiny. There is no one without potential but there are people who have not discovered theirs. People don’t look at your experience anymore but what you have to offer. This is the day where civil service no longer works but knowledge. “One thing I did when I entered into leadership is that I went around looking for those who have what I want and I just pick them up and put them in the right position” Joel Osteen. He was seeking for knowledge.
1.      Spirituality: the closer you are to God the more He will reveal to you about your position. Spirituality cannot be over emphasized. Spirituality gives you an edge in knowledge. Psalm 40:7. Everyone has something packaged in the Bible for him. The first place to begin your search is going through the manufacturer’s manual. The word of God is what made you. Your discovery of what the book says about you is the beginning of your discovering potential. Go deep into the word and the teachings in it. It is not pertained to those going into the ministry alone but in all areas of life. Even in your business spirituality is needed. Spirituality is praying, reading anointed materials that will blow you up spiritually. Lord reveal to me what I am made up of on the inside! There are things that looks like great opportunity but they are actually traps. Spirituality will help you discover this.
2.      Vision: If you cannot state your vision in one sentence you have not found it. For you to find a vision it means you have the potential to achieve it. Proverbs 29:18- Without vision the people perish. When you catch a vision it shows you something about yourself that others cannot see. Every man of great impact is a man with vision. If you must discover yourself you have to catch a vision. Every time you catch a vision, it shows you what you are made of and how to achieve it. So many people are looking for what to live for; visionaries are looking for what they are willing to die for. Vision is not what you slept and dreamt of. Vision is a lot of times caught from what you hear. When there is lack of information there is lack of vision. A man of vision does not question his potential. On the flip side of vision is your potential. If you want to blind the circumstances of life you’ve got to catch a vision. The only way to make a difference is to have a vision. Without vision the people perish and they perish because they don’t know what they are made up of. Who are you? What are you made up of? Nobody can have a vision for you. You’ve got to get it for yourself. If there is no vision there is nothing God can fulfill. Can you see who you are in the next ten years? If not you have not started. The world is in dare need of visionaries.
3.      John 2:17: What do you have a passion for? When all energy is lost in the physical, it is passion that keeps you going. The moment you lose your passion all your potentials have no value. If you truly want to know what you are made up find your passion. In the business world, passion makes the difference.
4.      Your quest for knowledge is a great way to show you what you are made up of on the inside. People with great potentials are in in Nigeria but they have refused to go for knowledge. All the staff in Fortune500 Company Read an average of five books per week. When last did you pick a book to read? Knowledge must be sought after. It is so easy to climb to the top if only you know what to do to get there. People don’t pay for certificate anymore but for your knowledge. You catch knowledge; you leave your class behind. Who you end up being is greatly determined by who you find out that you can be. No matter what field of life, you will further discover what you are made up of when you go for knowledge. It is not where you go that matters but what you catch from where you go. Catch something; learn something new that will help you discover you. It is not great places that make great people but great information. Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy time. The quest for knowledge must be carefully sought after because wrong information can destroy. Read books successful people read and write. Buy author and not titles. What makes an excellent man is doing the little things that everybody thinks are not necessary. It is the extra you put on the ordinary that makes you extra-ordinary. Whatever assignment you are given, go and look for materials to have an excellent work. Observation is one way you gain knowledge. Every time you talk, you release what you already know. It is therefore necessary to fill it back. True education is what you put into yourself via reading. To be relevant you’ve got to gather relevant information. Do not stick to only one thing. Instead of knowing all about one thing, know small about everything because you never know when you will be called. Build a library not for decoration but for impact. It is impossible to know everything about something but know something about everything. Validate the information you have before you speak because someone there may know more than you and may mock you to scorn. Proximity does not mean knowledge. Go and search for it. If you see a reader today you are seeing a potential leader tomorrow. Go and look for knowledge. People that will change this generation are men and women that will go seek for knowledge. God will not give you what it takes; it is already there. Only few have discovered it. Knowledge makes the difference in every sphere of life. It helps you discover what is in you that you would not have discovered on your own. Set your goal today on how many books you want to read!
5.      Your company: Amos 3:3- Your companies determines the potentials in you that you are able to discover. Are your companies visionaries? The right person in your life will help you discover what you would have not discovered on your own. The wrong person will cover what you have discovered. Your company will help open or close your eyes to what you have inside.  I would rather not have a friend than have a wrong one.
Leadership is not about occupying a seat, it is about making a feet. Great leaders are made from great leaders. In that field of life, realize you are not the first person to get there. Jesus needed just twelve people and the twelve people influenced the world. Every vision is like a skeleton; you’ve got to feed it and knowledge is what you need to feed it.

 The knowledge you carry will severally be tested. Nobody starts from the top but the top is available for you to get to when you start from where you are.

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