Monday 17 March 2014


? Who you follow determines what follows you
? The company you keep determines your accomplishment
? Leadership is not what you wish or pray for; it is what you are born into and what you grow into
? Leadership is a process and the process of leadership begins with a VISION
? Leadership is not the position you occupy. Leadership is you taking the lead.
? You cannot feature in the future you did not picture
? What God gives you first is not His best; it is a test to see if you will give thanks
? Without a plan life will remain plain and if you don’t follow pattern you will be battered.
? You cannot truly have vision and maintain a slow lane
? Readers are leaders
? Schooling only makes you literate; it is your investment in literature that guarantees your actual future.
? The way your friend dresses is the way you will be addressed.
? Being POOR is a mentality. POOR is an acronym which stands for Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly.
? Opportunity does not come on a platter of gold; it sometimes dresses in overall and looks like work.
? There is no FEAR anywhere. FEAR is an acronym which stands for Fake Evidences Appearing Real.
? Your potential is right within you.
? If you want to become a giant you must eat what giants eat
? It is not where you go that matters but what you catch from where you go
? If you do what great people do you will have the same result great people have.
? It is not great places that make great people but great information.

? What makes an excellent man is doing the little things that everybody thinks are not necessary.