Thursday 13 March 2014


nce upon a time! A man was called out of his predicaments to go into a promise land. He was asked to leave his father’s house and his kindred. With prompt obedience, he left his father’s house but with a family member. This was not the command. The command was “leave your father’s house totally and your family members”. When he took this his family member along with him he met with disaster. I am talking of Abraham and Lot.

A similar case happened to some travellers when they allowed unwanted person in their ship. Jonah was not supposed to be in the ship but the travellers allowed him in and they met with disaster. They lost all their belongings.

Delayed obedience is as good as disobedience. In the journey of life, there are things you must not allow to journey with you. Some destinies are slow because of the caliber of people they allow to journey with them. You must be selective in your choice of co-travellers. The company you keep determines what accompanies you. Birds of a feather, they say, flocks together. Your destiny is too precious to allow Lots and Jonahs to journey with. If you allow them in your …ships they will crash it. Relationships are either adding to you or subtracting from you. There is no neutral relationship. It is wisdom to quit the relationships that are weighing you down or not adding anything to you.

My mentor and my spiritual father, Pastor Pius Oluyemi, use to say that at the end of each year, he list those people that were his friends for the year and look at those who added to his life spiritually and those who did not add to him. Those that did not add to him are sent a ready-made text message, telling them that the friendship is over. That doesn’t mean he won’t greet them when he sees them but the visiting and long chats are over. A successful man doesn’t surround himself with thousand friends. Just one quality friend does better than thousands of Lots and Jonahs.

Who are you journeying with? Who is your friend? Friendship is not by force but by choice. Anyone who doesn’t support your vision is not worth walking with. The people you keep around you determine the way you will be treated in the society. If your friend is a thief people will see you as a thief. If your friend is a prostitute/womanizer people will see you as such. The way your friend dresses is the way you will be addressed. Show me your friend and I will tell you your future.

I am not saying you should fight people off! I am saying you should mind the people you call your friends. Your friends either push you to succeed or to fail. Your friends either make you or mar you. Like begets like.

I don’t have too many friends but I have just a few QUALITY FRIENDS! I relate with everybody quite well but the word “FRIEND” is a very special word to me. Choose your friends wisely.  

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