Thursday 31 July 2014


Change is very difficult but IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE!. Determine to make a difference wherever you are and whatever you do. It pays to be Different. If you decide to follow the world who will then follow you? Make a Difference today.

Sunday 27 April 2014


Leadership determines everything. Jesus said “…If the blind leads the blind…” Jesus believes that a leader can be blind. Because somebody is in leadership does not mean they can see. If the blind leads the blind they both fall into the ditch. So go the leader so go the organization. An organization can never rise above its leader. If you want to improve an organization, improve the leader. When the leader grows, the organization is growing. When a leader expands his knowledge base, the organization has expanded its knowledgebase. When a leader reads a book, the organization has benefited from its content. If a leader is blind, ignorant, in the dark, the organization is ignorant. Reading this is not just for your benefit but for your entire ministry and wherever you may find yourself. You cannot give what you don’t have. You can only lead people as far as you’ve gone yourself. You must constantly explore new territory, new information, and new experiences. You cannot lead from behind.

The word “Leadership” implies going to the place you’ve never been. You as a leader, your job is to move the people from where they are to where you have been. Where have you been? VISION. That is why leadership is impossible without a vision. You cannot exist as a leader without a vision. Vision qualifies you for leadership.  It makes your leading legitimate. It is illegal to lead people to no-where. You must have a clear vision. So clear to be documented on the paper and communicated to the people which is the new territory you have been and is taking the people. Managers maintain but leaders innovate. Leaders determine everything. You are exactly where someone led you. Everybody is. The leaders you follow will determine your destination. That is why it is important to associate yourself and to submit yourself to leadership that is progressive, innovative, CHALLENGING AND BREAKING NEW TERRITORY.

What is leadership?
“Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, generated by a passion, motivated by a vision, produced by a conviction, birth by a purpose.”  The definition above took Myles twenty eight (28) years to discover. The definition is long and comprehensive. It contains everything that makes you a leader. If you want to become an effective leader, take the definition from bottom to top. “Birth by a purpose, produced by a conviction, motivated by a purpose, generated by a passion”.
Purpose is the reason you were born. You must discover your reason for being born. You must have an encounter with God to discover this. Purpose produces a Conviction. A conviction is a belief that you were born to do something. Leaders believe in their own conviction. Their conviction becomes their life. You will never become a great leader until you discover a conviction that is important than life. A conviction produces a passion. Passion is a product of conviction and purpose. Passion is a desire that is stronger than opposition and death. Without passion, you will never be an effective leader. Passion is a desire that makes an alarm clock unnecessary. A person with passion doesn’t need an alarm clock to wake him up in the morning, passion does that. A true leader has passion. Passion is not finding something to live for but finding something to die for. Have you find something to die for? Jesus said if you want to make a difference in life, do not seek to save your life. Seek to lose it and you will gain it on planet earth. Passion produces Inspiration. This is very important. Most of the people we call leaders are not leaders but professional manipulators. True leaders do not manipulate. They inspire. If you can inspire people, they will submit their energies to your dream. If you can inspire people, they will submit their gifts to your vision. If you can inspire people, they will commit their time to your dream without waiting for money. The key to leadership is inspiration. If you cannot inspire, you will manipulate and the moment you start to manipulate, you cease to be a leader. That’s why true leaders have no gimmicks. They inspire.

It is very simple but yet important. It is PASSION. People are inspired by your willingness to die for a dream. If you are not willing to die for your ministry people will not be inspired by you. Nelson Mandela inspires all of us. He had no degree in leadership course. He found something to die for. Mother Teresa was four feet high, 98 pounds and she spoke to United Nations. She inspires the world even beyond her death. Why? Passion! She found something to die for. True leaders never seek followers. They are too busy following purpose. Followers seek true leaders. Find something to die for.  Where there is no purpose, there is no passion, where there is no passion, there is no inspiration. Where there is no inspiration, there is manipulation. When you inspire people, they allow you to influence them. True leaders do not manipulate people, they inspire them. True leaders are willing to go alone! True leaders are still leaders even when no one follows them because they found something more important than people. They found an assignment from God. Jesus asked His disciples when they suddenly grew from 12 to 70 “Why do you follow me?”.  You can only ask that question when you are secured.  There are people who are with you but not for you. They come for your gift and not for you. Jesus said to the 70 if you want to be a part of my company, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood. What does He mean? Don’t follow me for fish and bread; follow me for my own self. Pursue the dream I am carrying. A leader must be willing to go alone. If you need people to validate your assignment, you are not a true leader. People should come after you because God validated your assignment. Have you found something that you are willing to do for even when no one follows? Every true Vision only has one believer at first. God will never show you what is not possible. People may come, people may go, but you should stay.

A visionary must stay. What makes him stay? He has developed character. The number one priority of any leader is not power, gifting, talent, skill, techniques, education, influence, or anointing. The number one ingredient is Character. The number one disgrace in the body of Christ the world over is lack of character.
Character means:
1.      Fixed
2.      Predictable
3.      Statue
The alphabets are called characters because they never change. The numbers are called characters because they never change. The world need you to be leaders with character; fixed, predictable and statue.

Your character is developed in your most challenges, tests, and difficulties and you feel pieces falling off. They are not destroying you, they are making you.

Great leaders are not gifts; great leaders are results. Can you be trusted in the dark? Character! Character is what you will do when no one watches. If you are going to become a leader sitting on a throne and influencing people, you must develop character.

Monday 24 March 2014


Probably, many of us can still recollect those times when we would be scolded for laughing at people's conditions. It was the same for me. And it was my mum who had the unpleasant duty of having to smack me back into line. As a little child back then, laughing at things one had never set eyes on before was some kind of sport. But such childhood jests always came with its own pains: a sudden smack on the head, the back, buttocks or wrist! And that was exactly what I got from mum the day I saw a very bow-legged man walking down the road. Incredible, I thought. It was actually my first time of setting my eyes on such a sight. I was still very young then. I couldn't help but laugh at the man. A childish and hysterical laughter. It was funny to me. Amusing. But not to the man. I could see the sad look on his face as he walked pass us. That day, mum gave it to me without any warning. I didn't just see it coming. A sudden smack on my back, and it wasn't so funny anymore. Through out the rest of the walk, I must have been walking bow-legged.
For another one week, I kept seeing the bow-legged man in my dreams. But after saying sorry to the man when I saw him again a week after, my dreams of running through the finish line as the winner in my school's inter-house sports came back again. And it wasn't like I run so well. Perhaps, it was the race of life.
When you live in a city, it's not unusual to experience things that would make you wonder. It's not different in Port Harcourt. But I hear it's crazier in Lagos! I had one of such experiences on the 15th day in the month of March. I was on errands for my mum, one of which included going to the supermarket to get to some household items. After waiting for a cab for what seemed like eternity, I eventually decided to trek. The fuel scarcity was still eating into the lives of many, and the transport sector was the worse for it. But life must go on. Thee hustle and bustle in Port Harcourt city was still being fuelled by the sheer sweats and tears of people's resilience and sufferings. You could see such resilience in the eyes of the businessmen with shops brimming with goods here and there, just as the suffering settled on the faces of the Almajiri children that had become scavengers in the street.
The Almajiris with their outstretched bowls and impoverished faces were the symbol of begging in the street. They looked so ragged, dirty and unkempt. But with no roof over their poor heads, and no parental care, who would blame them. They are the symptoms of a deeper societal disease. Just as I was deep in thoughts over their conditions and helplessness, someone was pulling my right hand to get my attention.
"Aunty, abeg give me something for mouth" begged a young female voice, as she lifted her hand to her mouth.
Sadly, I wasn't with any extra note. But she held on to my hand. She had soft hands, and I was a bit baffled by this. With the hot weather and poor conditions, I'd always imagined hard palms. I really wonder why their parents keep procreating when they can't take care of the ones they laureate have.
There was a pretty lady who was now also walking along my way. She was now beside me. On seeing the way one of the almajiri beggars held my hand, she was filled with nausea. Aunty Nneka, as I later learnt her name to be, was simply disgusted.
"Na wao! See as you allow this pig girl they hold this your yori yori body! You no see as dem be? These ugly and wretched children. See as this one head be; See as dem dey smell sef! Abeg send this one comot for my side!" She had a serious frown on her face gleaming with make-ups in the hot weather. With flung her hand dismissing the beggars as though she just saw a huge mold of dung.
"Aunty, ahan take am easy now. You no say dem be human being too." I tried to say in a respectful manner.
"Which kain human being! No be the one wey God make be these ones. These ones wey u see so na devil make them. See as dem black like goat shit! Abeg jare!" She hissed, and dipped her hand into her bag. It was not money she brought out, but a piece of mirror to check her make-up.
I don't know if one of the almajiri children heard all the words I had heard come out of her mouth. But before she could say one more word, one of the almajiri children who had his right hand scratching seriously God-knows-what in his ass, and the left hand scratching his dusty hair with mucus flowing from his nose suddenly came to her as she bent to pick her key that had just fallen down. His two hands were almost glued to her face:
"Aunty, abeg give me money", he begged, as his whole body rubbed against hers as though in a big bug. She was horrified. She flung the boy away with one hand. But the harm had been done. I believe over 1001 bacteria must have been glued to her. Her once pretty make-ups seemed messed up. I felt pity for her but found myself bursting into a loud laughter. On seeing the hateful stare she gave me, I took off still laughing out loud! After all, no smacks from mum this time!
Now, let's look at this situation. The lady had bad-mouthed the poor beggars even when they were not close to her. I think she got what she deserved (laughing). IF YOU THINK IT SERVES HER RIGHT, HIT THE LIKE BUTTON! DROP A COMMENT.

Monday 17 March 2014


? Who you follow determines what follows you
? The company you keep determines your accomplishment
? Leadership is not what you wish or pray for; it is what you are born into and what you grow into
? Leadership is a process and the process of leadership begins with a VISION
? Leadership is not the position you occupy. Leadership is you taking the lead.
? You cannot feature in the future you did not picture
? What God gives you first is not His best; it is a test to see if you will give thanks
? Without a plan life will remain plain and if you don’t follow pattern you will be battered.
? You cannot truly have vision and maintain a slow lane
? Readers are leaders
? Schooling only makes you literate; it is your investment in literature that guarantees your actual future.
? The way your friend dresses is the way you will be addressed.
? Being POOR is a mentality. POOR is an acronym which stands for Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly.
? Opportunity does not come on a platter of gold; it sometimes dresses in overall and looks like work.
? There is no FEAR anywhere. FEAR is an acronym which stands for Fake Evidences Appearing Real.
? Your potential is right within you.
? If you want to become a giant you must eat what giants eat
? It is not where you go that matters but what you catch from where you go
? If you do what great people do you will have the same result great people have.
? It is not great places that make great people but great information.

? What makes an excellent man is doing the little things that everybody thinks are not necessary.

Thursday 13 March 2014


Daily, we leave our homes sometimes on an empty-stomach or stomach so full it bulges. With the mirror, we want to be sure we have just the right looks for every occasion. We try to bring our lifestyles into the way of life. Often times, we also care how others see us on the inside - our characters. This is only natural. But a lot of people are out there who don't even seem to care about how they look in the mirror and how they look in your eyes. Looks or character is luxury. All they care about is how they would see another sunrise. And in their prayers, they only remember those hands that care to throw a piece of bread at them.
On the 10th day in the month of March, I was all dressed up in a red dress you will find pretty - my mirror had assured me. In Port Harcourt where MEN are made of money, and ladies run after fashion even on high heels through life's potholes, I just had to look hot and beautiful. *Winks*
That day, I was heading to an adult education centre where I teach part-time during most of my holidays. As you must have guessed, the hold-up was terrible, particularly those lung-destroying fumes from cars and buses! I was on queue for the next bus. The great looker that I've always been, I just stood there feeding my wide eyes. A lot had changed from the last time I came home. There were now so many shops, and platforms already occupied by all sort of traders. It was when I turned my neck to look at the left side for some more sights and sounds of the city that my eyes fell on one of the most pitiable sight I had ever seen.

Picture this: a woman was sitting on the walkway with a child of about 3 years old. She seemed insane, but she was sane. Even though she spread her sore-clustered legs widely apart as though she were mad, and her clothes were tattered almost to shreds, this was a sane woman who didn't just care about the mirror nor the staring eyes of passing shoes and high heels. She was looking all brown with dust on her lashes and long but unkempt and now thick hair. Judging from the dimples that adorn her dust-powdered face, she was once a beautiful woman. The child in her arms was near naked. Dirty and ragged like the woman on whose bosom he had grown up to love, the child clung to her. She also pulled him to herself as the child was clinging on to her breast. Motherly love never ceases, even in the gutter of life.
But I wondered how a child of about three years old could still be breast feeding. Absurd, thought to myself. But again, since there was no food a mother could feed her hungry child with, would she not offer her own breasts to her child? With feelings of pity and love for humanity, I found the scene so inspiring. It was profound for me. Just as I was thinking about how many children out there in the midst of plenty but experiencing the poverty of love would be wishing such love were around them, something shocking happened. The woman had suddenly pushed the child away from herself in a violent way. The child with shock in his innocent eyes landed with a thud on the hard-tarred ground. This fall had pulled everyone's attention towards the woman. Many rained curses on her. Others hurled insults at her, and yet some just shook their heads with pity for the child. I was too shocked to open my lips. A mist of tears settled in my eyes.
Many would say she is bad, but who really knows what unbearable conditions the woman herself must have been through? No one really knows if the woman had even eaten anything. No one knows the thoughts that were running through her head. Is the thought of being seen as a mad woman alone not devastating enough? What about the pains she must have been feeling under the heat of the burning sun? What about the shadows of her past or the burden of tomorrow's uncertainties?
Dear friends I couldn't help but lament: "Life, why?".
The Lesson: There are times that are so hard and unbearable that all the burdens of your fears and worries make you just want to throw even the things you love and cherish so much to the hard-tarred ground of life. Whenever you find yourself in such situation, always remember that there are people in worst situations, and try to pull yourself together. Who says you can't get through it?


This is a true life story that touches the heart by a friend MITCHELL EROMOSELE
"Many of us don't feel the need to get sober and emotional concerning things and events that we see everyday. But for me, I'm not immune to such feelings. 

On the 7th day in the month of March, the fiery heat of the sun was burning hard from above on the already hot heads of the many persons at the Texaco filling station. The fuel crisis in Port Harcourt had become so unbearable that week. This was why once the news went round that there was fuel at the Texaco filling station, people turned out in great numbers armed with their cars and gallons ready to finally buy some litres. Everyone just needed to badly get back to their daily businesses. Since the fuel scarcity had started, lives had been literally out of fuel.

At the station, there were groups of security men who were expected to ensure not only peace and order, but sanity. Yes, the filling station was virtually a marketplace in a crisis situation. You could not easily tell the buyer from the seller. So it was not surprising to see the security men wiping sweats off their faces as they tried to ensure everyone was 'on queue'. As more people continued to push and pull for positions, you could tell from the faces of the mobile policemen that they were not really 'on top of the situation'. Noise and rowdiness rent the air.

But suddenly, silence fell on the arena. Still, but not quiet calm. It was too sudden, sinister and strange, like the silence of the a ghost had just joined us. But when his boots crunched the hard ground deprived of all human feeling, we turned our already sprained necks to find him armed to his teeth. He was heavily-armed, gadgets hanging over his broad and seemingly endless camouflage chest. AK47 on his left hand, and a long wire whip with scattered edges laced with thorns like iron on his left hand, you would think he was one of the dragons in the Book of Revelations.

Before we could say Goodluck Jonathan, the little sanity that had been maintained was lost. Everywhere turned into pandemonium - women and children, men and youths all running here and there to escape the whips that were flying without any care for the civilians. Gallons flew here and there, along with footwears chasing after their owners in the crowd. The 'ghost' administered his duties with no mercy. He kept yelling: "Bloody civilian."

His mission could hardly be mistaken. It was to 'clear the area' and any 'bloody civilian' that made his mission impossible along with it. It was that moment a pregnant woman staggered around him. She begged him to spare her some fuel, but the uniformed man pushed her so hard that she fell heavily to the ground. She cried out in pains just as he yelled at her. Blood-shot eyes. Skin darker than the hope we now had in getting fuel any soon.

Just while the crowd's eyes were still on the pregnant woman, a young woman who clearly had not learnt any lesson from the scene cat-walked unto the stage. She came shaking her ass and chewing gum as if hoping to get the army man's attention:

"Oga, I wan buy fuel for my motor. My motor don break down for road". She said, just as she was ensuring her body was also speaking as she shook her curves and contours in a 'PH babe' fashion.

"So!, what do you want me to do? Should I go and carry the car on my head? answered the hefty soldier with a husk voice and a deep Ibadan accent, "C'mon get out of my sight!" he yelled. As the lady turned to leave reluctantly, the next thing that followed was the familiar and fear sound of "WAI!" - a lashing whip right on the better part of the lady's buttocks. She screamed and cried, just as she ran for her life! Perhaps, at the barracks the sound of "WAI" must be thought to be the same with the brutal acronym of War Against Indiscipline most feared during the military era.

But one surprising thing happened later on. I must have been too engrossed with chatting with my friends online on my Android, when I didn't notice that the soldier was close to me. It happened so suddenly. He knocked me down with a nudge.His hands were in the air about to whip me when I noticed that our one-man-squad soldier had broken into tears: huge balls of tears falling from his eyes.

NOW TELL ME, DOES A SOLDIER HAVE A HEART OR NOT? In as much as he appeared strong-hearted and stoned-faced, he has his own feeling buried under his khaki uniform. No one can ever know how painful the tears of a soldier are.


nce upon a time! A man was called out of his predicaments to go into a promise land. He was asked to leave his father’s house and his kindred. With prompt obedience, he left his father’s house but with a family member. This was not the command. The command was “leave your father’s house totally and your family members”. When he took this his family member along with him he met with disaster. I am talking of Abraham and Lot.

A similar case happened to some travellers when they allowed unwanted person in their ship. Jonah was not supposed to be in the ship but the travellers allowed him in and they met with disaster. They lost all their belongings.

Delayed obedience is as good as disobedience. In the journey of life, there are things you must not allow to journey with you. Some destinies are slow because of the caliber of people they allow to journey with them. You must be selective in your choice of co-travellers. The company you keep determines what accompanies you. Birds of a feather, they say, flocks together. Your destiny is too precious to allow Lots and Jonahs to journey with. If you allow them in your …ships they will crash it. Relationships are either adding to you or subtracting from you. There is no neutral relationship. It is wisdom to quit the relationships that are weighing you down or not adding anything to you.

My mentor and my spiritual father, Pastor Pius Oluyemi, use to say that at the end of each year, he list those people that were his friends for the year and look at those who added to his life spiritually and those who did not add to him. Those that did not add to him are sent a ready-made text message, telling them that the friendship is over. That doesn’t mean he won’t greet them when he sees them but the visiting and long chats are over. A successful man doesn’t surround himself with thousand friends. Just one quality friend does better than thousands of Lots and Jonahs.

Who are you journeying with? Who is your friend? Friendship is not by force but by choice. Anyone who doesn’t support your vision is not worth walking with. The people you keep around you determine the way you will be treated in the society. If your friend is a thief people will see you as a thief. If your friend is a prostitute/womanizer people will see you as such. The way your friend dresses is the way you will be addressed. Show me your friend and I will tell you your future.

I am not saying you should fight people off! I am saying you should mind the people you call your friends. Your friends either push you to succeed or to fail. Your friends either make you or mar you. Like begets like.

I don’t have too many friends but I have just a few QUALITY FRIENDS! I relate with everybody quite well but the word “FRIEND” is a very special word to me. Choose your friends wisely.  

Tuesday 11 March 2014


appiness is a state of well-being characterized by a deep and intense joy. Being happy is a choice. There are so many circumstances surrounding us that we cannot control but we can control our responses to them. Our response to these circumstances determine whether for us to be happy or not. From studies, ten percent of our mood is controlled by the circumstances around us while ninety percent is controlled by our responses to them. So you see? You can decide to be happy or sad base on how you respond to the situations around you

For you to be happy all day long, you need to start it from the very moment you open your eyes in bed every morning. The Bible says in Psalm 30:5 that “…joy comes in the morning”. What is your attitude when you wake up in the morning? Do you mourn over the day’s work and feel depressed? There is joy knocking on your door every morning waiting to come embrace you but when you refuse to open up to her the devil brings words of discouragement, telling you how bad the day would go. Have you ever wonder why the thoughts from previous day’s non-achievements, disappointments and guilt fill your heart when you wake up every morning? It is because you did not allow joy in. There is no vacuum in nature. If you refuse joy then sorrow will take over. Before you set out for the day, ask yourself the question “do I want to be happy today or sad?”. Your response to the question will determine how your day will go.

Joel Osteen, in his book Everyday A Friday says “we have what we need to be happy; we just don’t have the right perspective”. That thing you are complaining about is the reason you should be happy. Take for instance, a man who is always complaining of eating rice daily. When God takes away the rice and he has nothing to eat, he will beg to have the rice back and will be happy having it back. Some complain of their jobs, children, spouses, etc. These are the more reason they should be happy. When you are caught up in the traffic is the more reason you should be happy because you have a car. You should be happy when you are caught up in a long queue because you can stand. You should be happy when you are hungry because it shows you are normal and you have appetite.

If you decide to be unhappy, it doesn't change anything. In short, the world is not moved. It has effect on only you. You must learn not to sell your joy to critics. Don’t let the action of other people to determine your happiness. When you allow it, it simply means they are in charge of your life. They control you and decide how you react. Smile! It doesn't cost anything. I read a story of two bricklayers who were in this profession for thirty years. One day, a man walked up to the first bricklayer and asked what he was doing. He simply responded “well, we are just here laying blocks. This is what we've been doing for thirty years and it’s so boring laying one block on another.”  The man went up to the second bricklayer and asked what he was doing. With joy, he replied “we are building a skyscraper that will be here for many generations. This is where youths across the nations will come for seminars and the likes. I’m so happy being a part of this project.” These two men were doing the same job but one was happy doing it while the other was grumbling. If you decide to be happy at what you are doing, things will change for the better. Joseph, even in the prison, was happy and was doing what he knows how to do best. He eventually became the prime minister from the prison. Your perspective of happiness really can change things for the better. Paul and Silas in the prison were happy even in chains. They gave praise to God and their bounds were loosed. They were not complaining. The three Hebrew men were not complaining even in the face of the fairy furnace.

Have you ever heard the birds sing? Do you wonder if they had problems? Are they moved with what is happening in the economy? The birds doesn’t care about what is happening because they know God will provide their needs. If the birds could understand this how much more you? As noted earlier, we cannot control circumstances around us but we can control the way we respond to them.  James 1:2 says we should count it all joy when we fall into divers temptations. When we are faced with trials and temptation we should count it all joy because God will make a way of escape. I Corinthians 10:13. Victor Adeyemi once said “we should not be thermometer in nature, we should be thermostat”. Thermometer is regulated by the environment. If the temperature is hot, it will read high, but when the temperature reduces, it will also reduce. Thermostat, on the other hand, determines how the environment will operate. It controls the environment in which it is found. We should therefore, not allow the situation of the economy to determine our mood.

Happiness is a choice. Being happy is your strength. Choose therefore to be happy.