Monday 4 May 2015


When people see me, they wouldn't know I have drank water from a stream using cocoa and cocoyam leaf. Have you done that before? I bet you haven't. When some see me reading they wouldn't know my primary school foundation was a public L-shaped village school, where the only thing we do from 9am to 1pm was to peel 'egusi' for 'teacher' and most time sell 'pufpuf' from primary 1A to primary 6D in the L-shaped primary school and at the end of the day I write a very big O on my slate with green colored chalk and the teacher will mark it with red colored chalk, signing 'very good' and every Friday we go to the school garden to clear the farm. We would rub charcoal on our faces to scare the 'gbomo gbomo' on the bush part because we hear a lot of kidnapped children. We even heard 'Old Soldier', the most wicked teacher we had then who do take us to the garden, was kidnapped one day but he begged the kidnappers to release him that he would bring 20 students for them. Pupils with rumour shaaaa. Most of the times we would go to 'teacher's house' at the camp to work for them and they would give us 'ice cream' and cold water. The only book I read then was 'Macmillan Primary English book 6'. We called it 'reader' and it was mostly used in playing picture games. You wouldn't understand what I'm saying if you've not done it before. I remember the day we were to write common entrance exam in that village school; my mom cooked the best of food as if I was going for a function. She packaged it well in a warmer (though we were not that rich but she did her best). When I got to school that morning it was as if we were doing food competition. Different kinds of food all because we were sitting for common entrance. My white shirt and blue trouser was well washed and ironed with a charcoal iron by my elder sister. That was the first time I wore 'shoe' in my life. The shoe was for my elder brother who has very long feet and my feet were short so i had to pad it with a lot of clothes to make them fit. The name of that school is Eramhe Primary School, Afokpella, Okpella, in Edo state. Try to find that out. Nobody knows I have trekked over 50km going to farm as at when i was 7yrs old. Wow... have you done that before? As at age 10 I already own a plot of land where I do my farming activities. (I was a bit lazy then though). Nobody knows I've gone three days without food, not for fasting but because no food. Nobody knows the history of education, nobody knows how I managed to pass exams, nobody knows how I stopped going to school for years because there was no school fee. I was termed "onigbese" meaning debtor in secondary school. NOBODY KNOWS but today the story has changed. Nobody knows that my first encounter with a computer was in 2006. That was the first time in my life I ever touched a mouse. Thanks to ACTIVE FINGERS GLOBAL NETWORK in collaboration with PURE COMPUTER INSTITUTE who gave me scholarship to study desktop publishing. I worked for it anyway. I came 1st in the scholarship exam. I am not planning to live a small life. So when you see me living BIG tomorrow don't get jealous. Just know that I have been through a lot of hard times. If you want to know me get close and ask questions. Don't judge from afar.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Do not prescribe drugs to the disease you know nothing about!

So many atimes we beat about the bush trying to figure out the solution to certain issues of life. Most people get frustrated and throw in the towel along the line. The issue with most of us is that we are so impatient. All we want is to find solutions without really knowing the cause of the problem.

Get to know the cause of a problem before finding solution to it. Finding solution to the problem you did not know the source is like prescribing drugs to the disease you know nothing about.

If you want to find a lasting solution, do not tackle the issue; tackle the source and cause of the problem. For instance, you can't find the solution to Examination malpractice without knowing the cause of it. One of the major cause of Examination malpractice is "Fear of Failure". The person finding such solutions must help the student to overcome fear and encourage him/her to study. Arresting such student will not find the solution. It will only create an uproar. That is why I said "you cannot prescribe drug for the disease you know nothing about. The drug for Examination Malpractice disease is not Sanction but Orientation. Make the student understand what he needs to know.

Conclusively, get to know the cause of a problem before finding solution to it.